6:41 AM

So I have a few minutes to myself (well, Hayden's been sleeping for 2 hours so I don't know how much longer I actually have lol) and I thought I'd do a quick update.

I've been busy trying to get my business off the ground. I ordered my business cards, done 6 samples, ordered material to make 3 more, started a Facebook fan page to promote it, and am going to do my website in the next couple weeks. I've been working hard! And I got my first consultation booked for someone who's not a friend of mine :o) I'm looking forward to it!
I'm hoping to actually book her as a client and hopefully word will start spreading. I'm ready and willing to work hard to make this a success!

As for Hayden, he had his 4 month appointment yesterday. Poor little guy cried for about 5-10 minutes straight after getting his needles. He hasn't ever cried that long in his life!! I felt so bad for him because he was so upset :o( But vaccinations are important to keep him healthy and I'm sure he doesn't even remember them now.

And of course as I sit here typing, I can hear him making his cute little cooing noises from his room. Guess I'll update more later!

5:13 AM


So yesterday I finally managed to get a sample done. I'm happy with the way it turned out and am excited for my other sample materials which I ordered. I'm hoping they get here soon so I can get to designing them!
Sometimes it's hard to find the time to work on this stuff especially now that Hayden is awake for hours at a time and only naps 2 or 3 times a day for less than an hour. He is usually in bed at 7:30-8:00pm so I guess that's when I'll have to do my work! I really really want this to work out ... I love being creative! It's so fun for me to plan out how they're going to look, what elements I can add to them, and playing around with colours. I have tons of ideas I just have to get them made!

I added a picture that I took of the one I made yesterday. The design on it is a hand stamp and the shiny things are Swarovski crystals. The hand stamping is so fun!

This is gonna be a really short update ... I hurt my back somehow yesterday so I need to lay down. It's been HARD trying to do stuff with Hayden since he has to be carried everywhere. I couldn't get out of bed quickly enough to get to him in the middle of the night so he started really crying. These days it's just one thing after another!! *sigh* Other than that things are good :o)